
          The Montessori Alzheimer's Project for Professional Homecare Providers


          February 5, 2025


          February 5, 2025

          Completion Time

          6.5 hours

          Access Time

          30 Days


          Individual Skill Course



          Training Level


          Delivery Information:

          Online Synchronous Scheduled Sessions


          This workshop has been designed primarily for people who are going into another person's house to serve as a professional dementia caregiver. People considering employing a dementia caregiver in their home will also benefit from the workshop as it will give them reference points for evaluating potential professional home caregivers. While it is not specifically designed for professionals working in institutions, they will also benefit from this program, as they gain new perspectives, new insights, and practical skills.

          The workshop will begin with an overview of appropriate approaches to be implemented when beginning work as a dementia caregiver. 

          Each session will be recorded and posted for viewing if you are not able to make it to some or all of the sessions. Recordings will be posted the Friday after each session.

          This two-day workshop will take place from 12:00 to 3:30 PM EST on the following dates:

          • Wednesday, February 5, 2025
            • 12:00pm to 1:30pm - Session 1: Introduction to Professional Home Caregiving
            • 1:30pm to 1:50pm - Break
            • 1:50pm to 3:20pm - Session 2: Becoming a Professional Caregiver in a Private Home
            • 3:20pm to 3:30pm - Final Q&A
          • Wednesday, February 12, 2025
            • 12:00pm to 1:30pm - Session 3: Critical Home Caregiving Strategies
            • 1:30pm to 1:50pm - Break
            • 1:50pm to 3:20pm - Session 4: Working in the Home with a Person who has Dementia
            • 3:20pm to 3:30pm - Final Q&A

          Learning Outcomes

          After attending these sessions, the learner should be able to:

          • Understand the context for caregiving duties in a home.
          • Distinguish between conceptual memory and muscle memory.
          • Evaluate options in setting up, and enacting procedures for, a successful first home visit.
          • In a group setting, contribute to the development of appropriate speech sequences for use with a person with dementia.
          • Articulate a personal introduction/greeting that maximizes the emotional safety of a person with dementia.
          • Articulate an appropriate invitation to a person with dementia, when movement from one place or activity to another is required.
          • Provide an example of an appropriate technique for walking with a person who has dementia.
          • In a group setting, contribute to the isolation of separate movements involved in a simple, day to day, task.
          • Describe elements of effective observation.
          • Describe elements of effective journaling.
          • Provide a description of “sundowning”.
          • Provide examples of behaviors warranting observation/attention.
          • Provide examples of behavior “triggers”.
          • Articulate the need for a careful and slow-paced approach to toileting with the AD individual.
          • Articulate the advantages of a simple bidet.
          • Provide examples of Life Tasks suitable for someone who has dementia.
          • Recognize the power of caregiving for the caregiver.


          February 5, 2025