Leadership Essentials

          Women's Group

          STRENGHTEN YOUR VOICE with a supportive network of professional women.

          Women Supporting Women

          Leadership Essentials Women’s Group (LEWG) is a leadership development program created for women by women who navigate many of the same challenges you do. LEWG provides a welcoming space for you to grow your leadership skills among a small, supportive cohort of women with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Together, we will learn from each other and explore the common issues we face: how to find your voice, how to thrive during times of transition, and how to balance the demands of your personal and professional life. You will gain confidence and learn practical tips and techniques to help you reach your full potential.

          Our Program is Designed With You in Mind

          What makes Leadership Essentials Women Group unique is the combination of full-cohort sessions and individualized leadership coaching. These two core components will give you what you need to take your professional talents to the next level.



          Skill Building Sessions

          Our full cohort will meet from September to November 2024 for in-depth explorations of leadership topics facilitated by subject matter experts. Sessions will be held on 9/19, 10/10, 10/24, and 11/14 in Columbia, MD. 

          Topics include: 

          • LEWG Foundations: Meet the cohort, define your core values, set goals, and learn strategic networking strategies.
          • Leveraging Your Strengths: Enhance your performance by identifying your strengths, increase your emotional intelligence, and practice self-care.
          • Leading through Change: Learn change management strategies to manage up and down, lead with authenticity, and communicate effectively through change.  
          • Self-Advocacy: Strengthen your voice to better negotiate, set boundaries, advocate for change, and successfully navigate women’s issues.

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          One-on-One Leadership Coaching

          LEWG participants will meet for six one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions with an experienced leadership coach. The agenda is yours. You can dig deeper into the topics covered in the sessions, set goals, create action plans, explore challenges, and reflect on your leadership experience.


          Ongoing Community

          The program concludes with a luncheon for current and past participants, the coaches and facilitators who support the program, and invited guests. Additionally, LEWG understands the value of creating a supportive, enduring community. As such, the cohort will continue to connect through virtual check-ins, in-person social gatherings, and ongoing volunteer opportunities to give back to the community.

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          LEWG 2023 participants, coaches, facilitators, and invited guests enjoyed a luncheon and keynote address from Secretary of Appointments Tisha Edwards.

          Information Sessions

          Join our waitlist to be the first to find out the dates and times of the information sessions for the 2025 program. 


          For more information please contact Katherine Keefe, Leadership Programs Director, at kkeefe@loyola.edu. Or, join our waitlist to receive updates about 2025 LEWG. 



          Tuition for the Leadership Essentials Women's Group for 2024 is $2,000 and is due by 9/14/24. Installment plans may be arranged upon request.

          For more information please contact Katherine Keefe, Leadership Programs Director, at Kkeefe@loyola.edu